Descrizione del ripostiglio
- Deposito: 340 B.C.-330 B.C.
- Scoperta: 1952
- Deposizione: Syracuse
- Descrizione: Tetradramma: 26, Decadrachm: 4
Luogo di rinvenimento
- Descrizione: Leonforte, near Nissoria, 15 km. NE of Enna
- Falls Within: Leonforte (Italy)
- Tipo: inhabited places
- Riferimento: Gentili, NSc 1954, pp. 58-70, illus.
- Riferimento: Jenkins, ANSCent., p. 374; Gela, p. 155
- Riferimento: Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, pp. 230, 239 (s.v. Nissoria)
- Nota: Gentili records 2 pegasi of Thyrrheium; these are, however, issues of Leucas with Θ on obv. The numbers for Ambracia raise a difficulty. Gentili did not use Ravel and does not clearly identify the issues; 16 seems to be the maximum identifiable in his list. In 1969, however, K noted the following varieties in this hd,: Ravel 14, 42, A24/ P20, 63, 79/80, 91, 109, 137, 138, 141, 146, 147, 166, 169, 171, 172, 174/5, A77/cf. P118, 180, 187 (3), 195, and 2 unc.