Описание на съкровището
- Хранилище: 230 B.C.-200 B.C.
- Находище: 1915
- Разположение: Syracuse 10 as above (according to Cesano), but not found there by Currò. Noe gives Reggio
- Описание: драхма: 7, 1/4 shekel: 3
- Описание: Caulonia, Bruttium
- Falls Within: Caulonia (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Caulonia
- Тип: inhabited places
- Литература: Cesano, TINC 1936, p. 57
- Литература: Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, pp. 232-3, 237
- Литература: Robinson, NC 1964, p. 44
- Литература: Currò (p. 237, note 45) suggests that this hd. and no. 1909 above are the same, but the discrepancy of contents and terminal dates makes this highly unlikely