Description du trésor
- Dépôt: 285 B.C.
- Découverte: 1929
- Disposition: Naville July 2, 1930, 83-84 (Taras AV); Vlasto 2 (Cat. 53, AV, and 678, AR); Taranto the remaining 87 listed above
- Description: Statère: 79, Drachme: 11+, Distatère: 1
Lieu de découverte
- Description: Taranto, Via Mazzini, Calabria
- Falls Within: Taranto (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Taras/Tarentum/Neptunia
- Type: inhabited places
- Référence: Quagliati, NSc 1930, pp. 249-64, illus.
- Référence: Vlasto, NC 1930, pp. 143-51
- Référence: Stazio, AIIN 1965-7, pp. 38-9
- Note: A 1934 letter from Vlasto in the ANS ascribes the Naville coins to the hd., and adds that almost all the Tarentine AV dr. in poor condition sold in the interim were from this hd.