الكتاباتدار الضربمكان اكتشاف القطعة

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التحليل الكمى

استخدم هذه الخاصية لإظهار التصور البصرى للنسب المئوية أو الظهور العددى للنماذج التالية.

إختر الفئات للتحليل

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إختر الكنوزقائمة عوامل التصفية

Coins from this HoardDownload CSV

Gold Stater of Ptolemy I Soter, Alexandria, 305 BCE–285 BCE. 1967.152.621
دار الكتب و الوثائق القومية المصرية
American Numismatic Society
النوع المميز للعملة
Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire Vol. I, Part 1, no. 103
المسئول عنها
Ptolemy I Soter
دار الضرب


104, ii, viii
Newell, Edward Theodore, 1886-1941
Notebook containing notes on coins of various hoards, along with loose leaves with additional coin lists, notes, and rubbings. A detached label once adhered to the cover of the album reads, "HOARDS II." Includes a letter to Margaret Thompson from Martin Price of the British Museum relating to a joint project on the coins of Alexander the Great (1968). Hoards covered in the notebook are Sardis, Anadol, Aleppo, Ankyra, Aintab, Andhritsena, Abu Hommos, Taranto, Bithynian, Demanhur, Chalcis (Eretria), Calabria, Constantinople, Cyprus (Larnaka), Peloponessos, Drama, Greece (Tiffany), Eretria, Epidaurus, Sparta, Patras, Gesou, Haiffa, Prof. Haynes, Saida, Jandolo, Anadol, Kuft, Kyparissia, Keleler, Karditsa, Messene, Larnaka, Lamia, Latakie, Mosul, Marasesti, Patras, Parthian, Philip II Staters, Ravel, Salonica, Sophikon, Taranto, Tripolitsa, Thebes, Urfa, Gejou, Lamia, and Kyparissia.