Описание клада
- Депозит: 450 B.C.
- Открытие: 1962
- Размещение: Athens 53; Oxford 28
- Описание: Fraction: 173
Место находки
- Описание: Colophon, Ionia
- Falls Within: Medandoz Mahallesi (Turkey)
- Ancient Place: Colophon
- Тип: inhabited places
- Ссылка: Kraay, SNI? 1962-3, pp. 5-13, illus.
- Ссылка: Varoucha, A Delt 1963 B 1, pp. 6-7, illus.
- Примечание: This hd. is somewhat doubtful. In the lists of Kraay and Varoucha appear several 4th cent. coins which must be discarded (Kraay nos. 83-91, 105-6, 111, and Varoucha no. 32). The remainder may be one hd., or it may derive from two hd., an archaic of c. 500 B.C. and another containing material from the period c. 500-450 B.C. The picture is complicated by the appearance of another hd. at about the same time (no. 1168 above) with a distinct possibility of further confusion of material