Region: Europe--Thrace--Islands off Thrace
Visa poster 161 till 168 från 168
- Fyndplats
- Sakha (anc. Xois), near Kafr el Sheik, 100 km. E of Alexandreia
- Deposition
- 500 B.C.-470 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1897
- Beskrivning
- 72+ coins
- Referens
- Barron, Salvos, p. 31 (archaic hd. with intrusions, e.g. Idyma, Sidon), Dressel, ZfN 1900, pp. 231-53, illus. (no. 8 = Dicaea; nos. 27-9 = Abdera; nos. 42-4 = Sidon; nos. 47-52 Thraco-Maced.; no. 55 = Ionia; nos. 58-9 = Athens; no. 62 = Paros; nos. 63-4 = Cyclades), Dutilh, JIAN 1899, p. 287, May, NC 1965, pp. 1-25, no. 3; Abdera, nos. 18-9, Schlumberger, L'argent grec, p. 11, no. 37, Weber, NC 1899, pp. 269-83, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Benha el Asl (anc. Athribis), 50 km. N of Cairo
- Deposition
- 485 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1929
- Beskrivning
- 92+ coins
- Referens
- Newell, NC 1931, pp. 668, Robinson, NC 1930, pp. 93-106, illus.; NC 1931, pp. 68-71; NC 1932, p. 200, Schlumberger, L'argent glee, p. 10, no. 25
- Fyndplats
- Asyut (anc. Lycopolis) environs, 300 km. S of Cairo
- Deposition
- 475 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1968-1969
- Beskrivning
- 681+ coins
- Fyndplats
- Zagazig (anc. Bubastis)
- Deposition
- 470 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1901
- Beskrivning
- 84 coins
- Referens
- Barron, Samos, p. 44, Brown, NC 1950, p. 185, Dressel-Regling, ZfN 1927, pp. 104-38, illus. (no. 241 = Zancle), Kraay, NC 1956, pp. 50-1, Schlumberger, L'argent grec, p. 11, no. 40
- Fyndplats
- Babylon, Babylonia
- Deposition
- 155 B.C.-150 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1900
- Beskrivning
- 100 coins
- Referens
- Regling, ZfN 1928, pp. 92-132, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Cabul (anc. Cabura), Paropamisadae
- Deposition
- 380 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1933
- Beskrivning
- 115+ coins
- Referens
- Schlumberger, L'argent grec, pp. 3-6, 31-45, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Taranto, Calabria
- Deposition
- 508 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1911
- Beskrivning
- 600 coins
- Referens
- Babelon, RN 1912, pp. 1-40, illus. (= Mélanges 4, pp. 304-43), Kraay, NC 1956, p. 49, Orsi, AttiMemIIN 1919, p. 29, Vlasto, through whose hands the bulk of the hd. passed, was convinced that the whole formed a single find. This firsthand opinion should carry more weight than Orsi's subsequent claim that the "hoard" was a conflation of several finds
- Fyndplats
- Buccheri, 20 km. S of Leontini
- Deposition
- 300 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1904
- Beskrivning
- 39+ coins
- Referens
- Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, p. 222, Orsi, NSc 1905, p. 437
Visa poster 161 till 168 från 168