Region: Asia--Asia--Ionia
Visa poster 221 till 240 från 255
- Fyndplats
- Memphis
- Deposition
- 480 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1920
- Beskrivning
- 4 coins
- Referens
- Coins pierced, originally attached to necklace found during excavations by Petrie
- Fyndplats
- Asyut (anc. Lycopolis) environs, 300 km. S of Cairo
- Deposition
- 475 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1968-1969
- Beskrivning
- 681+ coins
- Fyndplats
- Zagazig (anc. Bubastis)
- Deposition
- 470 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1901
- Beskrivning
- 84 coins
- Referens
- Barron, Samos, p. 44, Brown, NC 1950, p. 185, Dressel-Regling, ZfN 1927, pp. 104-38, illus. (no. 241 = Zancle), Kraay, NC 1956, pp. 50-1, Schlumberger, L'argent grec, p. 11, no. 40
- Fyndplats
- Fayum, Fayum district
- Deposition
- 460 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1957
- Beskrivning
- 15 coins
- Referens
- SCMB Jan. 1960, pp. 9-10, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Naucratis (mod. El Nibeira or El Niqrâsh), 20 km. SE of Damanhûr
- Deposition
- 450 B.C.-425 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1885
- Beskrivning
- 15 coins
- Referens
- Barron, Samos, p. 76, Dressel, ZfN 1900, p. 258, Head, NC 1886, pp. 1-18, illus. (cf. Petrie, Naukratis [London, 1886], p. 63)
- Fyndplats
- Demanhur (mod. Damanhûr; anc. Dime-n-Hor = Hermopolis parva)
- Deposition
- 318 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1905
- Beskrivning
- 8000+ coins
- Referens
- (Elder) Collection of Coins of Alexander the Great, 300 illus., AA 1907, p. 160, May, NC 1952, pp. 1-18, illus., Mosser, NNM 97 (1941), nos. 18-52, illus., Newell, Reattribulion, pp. 34-62, illus.; Sidon-Ake, p. 57, illus.; NNM 19 (1923), illus. (4826 specimens listed; details of further 1062 noted by Newell subsequently, in ANS file, See pp. 146-7 for citation of Dattari for presence of Ptolemy I specimens); Tarsos. p. 109, illus., Num 1909, p. 9, Torrey, NNM 77 (1937), illus.
- Fyndplats
- Abu Hommos, 40 km. SE of Alexandria
- Deposition
- 311 B.C.-310 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1919
- Beskrivning
- 1000 coins
- Referens
- Brett, TING, p. 26, illus., Newell, Tyrus, p. 10; Nuns 1924, p. 301
- Fyndplats
- Kuft (anc. Koptos), between Keneh and Luxor
- Deposition
- 310 B.C.-305 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1875-1880
- Beskrivning
- 330+ coins
- Referens
- Jenkins, ANSMN 9 (1960), pp. 29-30 (summary of Oxford coins only), Newell, Tyrus, p. 10
- Fyndplats
- Phacous (= Fâqus), 30 km. NE of Zagazig
- Deposition
- 283 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1956
- Beskrivning
- 2400 coins
- Referens
- Jenkins, ANSMN 9 (1960), pp. 17-37, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Benha (anc. Athribis), 50 km. N of Cairo
- Deposition
- 217 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1936
- Beskrivning
- 50+ coins
- Referens
- Brett, ANSMN 5 (1952), pp. 1-8, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Delta
- Deposition
- 200 B.C.-180 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1927-1928
- Beskrivning
- 24 coins
- Fyndplats
- Asyut (anc. Lycopolis), 300 km. S of Cairo
- Deposition
- 180 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1936
- Beskrivning
- 4+ coins
- Fyndplats
- Diyarbekir (anc. Amida), Armenia
- Deposition
- 205 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1955
- Beskrivning
- 35+ coins
- Referens
- Seyrig, RN 1963, p. 42; Trésors du Levant (in press)
- Fyndplats
- Mesopotamia or Babylonia
- Deposition
- 390 B.C.-385 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1900-1900
- Beskrivning
- 23 coins
- Referens
- Robinson, Iraq 1950, pp. 44-51 illus., Schlumberger, L'argent grec, p. 7, no. 6
- Fyndplats
- Mosul, in anc. Mesopotamia
- Deposition
- 305 B.C.-270 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1862-1863
- Beskrivning
- 88+ coins
- Referens
- Weckbecker, WNM 1865, pp. 98-9
- Fyndplats
- Mosul environs, in anc. Mesopotamia
- Deposition
- 310 B.C.-300 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1949
- Beskrivning
- 8+ coins
- Fyndplats
- Tigris River, c. 65 km. below Ctesiphon
- Deposition
- 250 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1816-1816
- Beskrivning
- 20+ coins
- Referens
- Jenkins, BMQ 1964, pp. 89-92, illus.
- Fyndplats
- Tell Halaf, on the Turko-Syrian border just S of Res el-ain (anc. Resaina, Mesopotamia)
- Deposition
- 235 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1913
- Beskrivning
- 352 coins
- Referens
- Newell, ESM and WSM, indices of hoards, s. v. Tell Halaf, Regling, ZfN 1928, p. 95
- Fyndplats
- Mesopotamia
- Deposition
- 230 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1920-1920
- Beskrivning
- 94+ coins
- Referens
- Newell, Demetrius, pp. 165 f., Newell, ESM and WSM, indices of hoards, s. v. Mesopotamia (Noe 680), Regling, ZfN 2928, p. 95, no. 6
- Fyndplats
- Nimrud on the Tigris, c. 40 km. below Ninive, Adiabene
- Deposition
- 230 B.C.-200 B.C.
- Fynd
- 1957
- Beskrivning
- 6 coins
- Referens
- Jenkins, Iraq 1958, pp. 158-62, illus.
Visa poster 221 till 240 från 255