Greenwell, NC 1887, p. 42 (a handwritten note in Greenwell's copy of the article raises the total to 80 and adds that no Alexander, were in the hd.), Regling, ZfN 1931, p. 26
Gerasimov, Annuaire du Musée Nat. Bulg. 1942, pp. 72-89, illus., Regling, ZfN 1931, p. 26 (an early burial date based on the 7 coins of the Hamburger Sale)
Ashik, Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami III (Odessa, 1849), pp. 93-4, Drevnosti Bosfora Kimmeriiskogo II (St. Petersburg, 1854), pp. 154-5 = S. Reinach, Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien (Paris, 1892), p. 130, Liutsenko, pp. 7-8, Regling, ZfN 1931, p. 24, no. 2, Shelov, VDI 1949, no. 2, pp. 95-6
Taman' (anc. Her monassa) environs, Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR
370 B.C.-330 B.C.
70 coins
Ashik, Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami II (Odessa, 1848), pp. 17-9, Diamant, NSf 1971, pp. 83-6, Gilles, Lettres sur la Caucase et la Crimea (Paris, 1859), p. 406, Goertz, Drevnosti 4 (Moscow, 1876), pp. 34-42 = Sobranie sochinenii I (St. Petersburg, 1898), pp. 30-44 (the most complete and systematic account), Liutsenko, p. 23, Murzakevich, Avtobiografiia (Moscow, 1886), p. 203 (on the number of coins in the hoard); ZOOID 4 (1860), p. 404 (on the Panticapaeum coins), Otchet Odesskoi obshchestva istorii i drevnostei 1851-1853 gg. (Odessa, 1853), pp. 13-4, Regling, ZfN 1931, p. 34, nos. 1, 3 (considered as two separate hoards), Shelov, VDI 1949, no. 2, pp. 93-8, Sibirsky, Catalogue des médailes du Bosphore Cimmérien (St. Petersburg, 1859), p. xxviii, note 4, Zograph, "Zolotye monety," 2, 4, de Koehne, Description du musée de feu le Prince Basile Kotschoubey (St. Petersburg, 1857), p. 340 (inaccurate)
Head in Hogarth, British Museum Excavations at Ephesus (London, 1908), pp. 74-93, Robinson, JHS 1951, pp. 156-67, illus.; NC 1956, pp. 1-8, Seltman, Greek Coins 2nd ed. (London, 1955), pp. 16-8