Hackens, Antidorum W. Peremans, pp. 76-7, Keramopoullos, ArchEph 1903, pp. 98-114, illus., Newell, Demetrius, p. 165 (burial date), Svoronos, Athènes, pl. 32, 1-7
DAK 1895, p. 21, OAK 1895 (publ. 1897), p. 53, Pridik, IAK 3 (1902), pp. 58-92, illus. (lists 979 coins); IAK 7 (1903), p. 100, Seyrig, RN 1969, pp. 36-45
hoardregion_hier:( "thrace|The European Coast of the Propontis/the_european_coast_of_the_propontis" "greek_europe|Thrace/thrace" "L1|Europe/greek_europe")mb_physical,osm,imperiumpk.eyJ1IjoiYmhpaWJuZXIiLCJhIjoiY2xlZWZqZmJjMGdheDNwcW1qaHM2MWZ4cSJ9.oR2ZyKdE7BYKzQkjiotNSg