AR: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 2 [uncertain], which each has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 2 coins of a group of at least 2+ coins
Amoros, MEAD, pp. 50-1, Delgado, MAE III, p. 195, de Guadan, Numisma 16 (1955), pp. 13-4; MPER, pp. 75-6
Amoros, Dracmes, p. 32, Beltran y Villagrasa, Ampurias 1945-6, pp. 303-4, Delgado, MAE III, p. 194, Zobel y Zangroniz, MNE 1877-9, p. 138 (Roman intrusive ?), de Guadan, Numisma 16 (1955), p. 14; MPER, pp. 76-8